Union Meeting Minutes March 3, 2010

Meeting called to order at 7:p.m.

The February meeting was cancelled due to the Senior Center being closed because of the snow storms on Feb. 3, and 10, 2010. WHAT A MONTH!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to Robert Weisner for the food and drinks at tonight’s meeting....

Announced Guests at the meeting….Carriers from Silver Spring (about ten.)

1) Roll Call- All present except for V.P. Amy Campain, Sgt-at arms Don Lewis, and MBR Sergio Lemus.

2) Minutes from the Jan. Meeting. Motion to dispense with reading the Jan. minutes and accept as written and distributed. Motion by, Mike Shawn. 2nd by Steve Thompson. Motion carries.

3) Communications

A) Next Union meeting is Wed. April 7, at 7:00 p.m.

B) Next Executive Board meeting is Wed. March 31 at 6:30 p.m.

C) Next Steward’s meeting is Wed. March 10 at 6:30 p.m.

D) Grievances of note…..Read at meeting.

E) Clockrings after 1800. Tell your Steward so that they can get the Clockrings so we can prevail in WOO arbitrations.

F) Please consider signing up for COLCPE. Our COLCPE coordinators are Shearly Shawn and Tom Preston. They have been signing up a lot of people lately. This money goes to support legislation beneficial to Letter Carriers and their families and to support candidates that support Letter Carriers.

G) Any comments on our newsletter or our web site? www.nalc3825.com.

H) Steve Fairfax has paid some of the money he owes us, but he still owes tens of thousands of dollars. Amy is working on this for the Branch.

I) We are down to 496 active members! Try signing up the non-members!

J) FMLA Coordinator’s address was read at the meeting……

K) Harassment paper- USPS position. Read at meeting .

L) Kenneth Lerch selected Shearly Shawn as our Branch Food Drive Coordinator. We need coordinators for each unit. So far Steve Thompson (Damascus), Kevin Abernathy (Twinbrook), Chris Lively ( Diamond Farms), Ismael Lemus (Derwood), Please call Shearly Shawn at Pike Station if you would like to be a coordinator at your unit.

M) Color-coded mail. Article from Branch 343 St. Louis, Mo. Read at meeting. Talks about stopping management from changing the color-codes on the mail and stopping management from delaying mail. This will help protect our jobs.

N) NALC Bulletin dated Jan. 15, 2010. Read at meeting. Talks about Rural carriers are going to help with food drive.

O) Passed out pamphlets from Advanced Physical Medicine. Also, talked about it at meeting.

P) One of the worst Supreme Court decisions now gives Corporations the same rights as individuals and can spend unlimited money to get their candidates elected. (Exxon 40 Billion in profits) Also, read an article from the Wall Street Journal about this decision.

Q) NALC Bulletin dated Jan. 29, 2010. Article passed out at meeting and read.

R) Comm. From Tim Dowdy dated Feb.1 2010. Read at meeting. Talks about GPS, Art. 12 (Withholding).

S) NALC Bulletin dated Feb. 12, 2010. Read at meeting. Talks about 6 day delivery, and that Pres. Obama says that privatization of the USPS is no good.

T) NON- MEMBER list dated Jan. 19, 2010. We are 97.1 % organized. SCAB list passed out at the meeting.

U) NALC Bulletin dated Feb. 26, 2010. Read at meeting. Talks about the 40th. Anniversary of the USPS strike. You can view this at the Smithsonian and on line at this web site www.postalmusium . Also talks about bargaining rights for TSA employees.

4) Application for Membership- NONE.

6) Committee Reports

A) Picnic committee. So far Kevin Abernathy (Coordinator). Also on the committee thus far is Tom Preston, and Ismael Lemus. Picnic will again be at Bohrer Park.

7) MBA Report – NONE.

8) Health Benefits Report- NONE.

9) New Business

A) 31 Delegates have been elected for the National Convention.

Also, you must be present for 75% of the meetings prior to the Convention in order to qualify for any reimbursement (Art. 5 Sec. 3.) National Convention will be held in Anaheim Ca. Aug. 9-13, 2010. There is a $500.00 cap for reimbursement expenses for individuals going to the Convention.


Passed out Convention address and a list of the NALC hotels with there addresses and daily costs.

YOU MUST give a check to Beth Parsons by next Wed March 10,2010 meeting if you want a baseball ticket. ($10.00 made out to NALC Branch 3825 ) .

B) MIARAP- The role of LOC’s. Passed out at meeting. What’s new? Any Questions? Revisit adjustment dates? Talked about at meeting.

C) Email indicating routers for relief in Germantown if FSS is coming in August.

D) NALC responds to “ action plan for the future “. Read at meeting. Talks about 6 day delivery and pre-funding retirement.

E) The following were excused from tonight’s meeting: 1) Tyron Butler by Kevin Abernathy. 2nd by Mike Hotovy. 2) Sergio Lemus by Beth Parsons.2nd by Tom Preston. 3) Lisa Barksdale by Kevin Abernathy.2nd. by Ismael Lemus. 4) Bobby Grier by Kevin Abernathy. 2nd. by Mark Baker.5) Claudia Jimenez by Ismael Lemus. 2nd by Beth Parsons. 6) Natasha Coleman by Kevin Abernathy. 2nd by Mike Curley. 7) Amy Campain by Beth Parsons. 2nd by Tom Preston. 8) George Abid by Beth Parsons 2nd. by Tom Preston. 9) Don Lewis by. Beth Parsons 2nd by. Tom Preston.10) Hugh McElroy by Mathew Ackah. 2nd by. Beth Parsons. 11) Tim Smith by Mike Curley.2nd by Howard Gross.12) Theo Anthony by Beth Parsons 2nd by Tom Preston. All were passed by motion.

10 Improvement of Service- NONE

11) Good of the Association- NONE

12) Treasurer’s Report- Read by Beth Parsons. Motion to accept by Buzzy Denell. 2nd by Mike Hotovy. Passed unanimously.

13 Motion to Adjourn- Motion to adjourn by Mike Hotovy. 2nd. by Mike Butz. Motion carries. Meeting Adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Thomas A. Preston

Recording Secretary, Branch 3825